Character of web design trends

Web Design Trends #5

Web Design Newsletter

Form - a free wireframe kit | TUS - resumable file upload protocol | Linksplit - Create Free, Instant A/B Tests | Create sophisticated styleguides with minimal effort| Trix - a rich text editor | Free Font | An image filtering library and many articles, & web resources for Front-End Web Developer.

Form - a free wireframe kit

Form - a free wireframe kit

Form is a free wireframe kit for speeding up your design workflow. Layouts sized for mobile, desktop, and tablet and available in Sketch and PSD formats.



Create sophisticated styleguides with minimal effort

TUS - resumable file upload protocol

TUS - resumable file upload protocol

Built as a layer on top of the popular HTTP protocol, tus can easily be integrated into applications using existing libraries, proxies and firewalls, and can be used directly from any website.

Linksplit - Create Free, Instant A/B Tests.

Linksplit - Create Free, Instant A/B Tests.

Split traffic between two or more URLs with zero setup.

Trix - a rich text editor

Trix - a rich text editor

Trix is an editor for writing messages, comments, articles, and lists—the simple documents most web apps are made of. It features a sophisticated document model, support for embedded attachments, and outputs terse and consistent HTML.



A weekly newsletter helping designers, developers (or anyone really) understand 
and use typography better.

Valkyrie - UI Kit

Valkyrie - UI Kit

Valkyrie is another brand new UI Kit completely free to assist everyone in building their interfaces.

Day of the Dead illustrations and animations

Day of the Dead illustrations and animations

There are 12 awesome Day of the Dead illustrations and animations in this holiday pack. Every illustration is 100% vector and customizable if you have the chops. Easily scale them in After Effects or Sketch to the size you need.

Splash Letters Font

Splash Letters Font

Splash Letters is a free display font constructed of splashed paint letters. Add a cool and fun effect to your designs using it especially posters.

Sans Forgetica

Sans Forgetica

Sans Forgetica is a downloadable font that is scientifically designed to help you remember your study notes.

Cout - Free Font

Cout - Free Font

Cout - Free Font



An image filtering library, with over 100 image filters for your websites & Node projects.

4 Creative Concepts of Slider Control

4 Creative Concepts of Slider Control

Sliders have been around for a long time and became the de facto standard UI control for selecting a value or a range of values. A slider is helpful because it allows users to explore a range of options quickly.

The Psychology of Design

The Psychology of Design

There are a number of debates about which additional skills designers should learn. Should designers code, write, or understand business? These skills are incredibly valuable but perhaps not essential.

The Alternative Dictionary of Web Design Terms

The Alternative Dictionary of Web Design Terms

It’s a universal truth that there’s more than one meaning to just about every word. This is doubly true for industry lingo. If you’re just getting started in web design, you need to know what everything really means, if you want to get ahead.

Using the new Data feature in Sketch 52

Using the new Data feature in Sketch 52

Sketch 52 comes with the ability to instantly populate multiple shapes with images all at once. The same feature can also set the content of multiple text elements. Sketch is preloaded with images of peoples faces and abstract tile patterns.

Grid vs Flexbox: Which Should You Choose?

Grid vs Flexbox: Which Should You Choose?

CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox are complimentary web layout technologies that have been hotly anticipated for years. However, despite some superficial similarities they are actually used for very different tasks; they each solve a very different set of problems.

A guide to color accessibility in product design

A guide to color accessibility in product design

There’s a lot of talk about accessible design, but have you ever thought about color accessibility?

Designing design systems

Designing design systems

This year I’ve been involved in a lot of projects to help large organisations improve the web experience for their customers.

Creating horizontal scrolling containers the right way [CSS Grid]

Creating horizontal scrolling containers the right way [CSS Grid]

Ever since Netflix became a household name we’ve been scrolling sideways in mobile layouts. Instead of stacking everything on top of each other, horizontal scrolling containers (or lists) have become a common layout practice, as it helps reduce the vertical space of devices with smaller screens.

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(My Wife)
Website Design Inspiration... Make sure you’re signed up for next weeks.

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My Dog - avatar
(My Dog)
A great source for being updated with current trends in web design. Give me a cookie!

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The Box - avatar
Purple Octopus
(The Boss)
Thanks for share the most helpful and useful resources for web designers.

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