
Web Design Trends

Web Design Newsletter #59


Everything you need to build your site – Reflex

A collection of themes and plugins to help you build Gatsby sites faster.


Slider for creating one page website

No dependencies, Written in pure Javascript, Works great on mobile and desktop devices, Keyboard - Arrow Key Support, Auto-generates navigation (buttons) based on sections and pages.


Cassie Evans – creative of the week

Front end dev at Clearleft. Happiest when making cute, interactive things with code.


Fast Food – Restaurant Website Design Tutorial – Elementor

Are you looking for design ideas for a restaurant or fast food website? Then this tutorial might help. We are going to create a beautiful website design including header and footer with elementor pro in this tutorial.


Deck of Carrd

A hand-picked collection of inspirational sites


BEST UI/UX App & Web Design Inspiration

Web Design Inspiration - amazing examples.


Adobe XD Landing Page Template – BlueTrading

A handy Adobe Xd landing page template called Bluetrading that Yassin Salih made available for download.


Bookmark icon

Bookmark animated icon

Everything you need to build your site – Reflex | Slider for creating one page website | Cassie Evans – creative of the week | Fast Food – Restaurant Website Design Tutorial – Elementor | BEST UI/UX App & Web Design Inspiration | Adobe XD Landing Page Template – BlueTrading | Bookmark animated icon | Deck of Carrd

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My Wife - avatar
(My Wife)
Website Design Inspiration... Make sure you’re signed up for next weeks.

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My Dog - avatar
(My Dog)
A great source for being updated with current trends in web design. Give me a cookie!

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The Box - avatar
Purple Octopus
(The Boss)
Thanks for share the most helpful and useful resources for web designers.

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