
Web Design Trends

Web Design Newsletter #64

Pure CSS Product Card

Pure CSS Product Card

A pen by Adam Kuhn


Glenn Catteeuw – Visual Designer

Portfolio of digital designer Glenn Catteeuw


CSS Background Patterns

Beautiful pure CSS background patterns that you can actually use in your projects


Web Design Trends in 2021

With the new year approaching, we’re starting to explore upcoming web design trends for 2021.


3.000 Hands 3D Shape Pack

A massive library of free 3D shapes


Adobe XD for Visual Studio Code

The new Adobe XD extension for Visual Studio Code allows developers to visually map design sources created in XD and available in Creative Cloud Libraries, to platform-specific code using design tokens.


How To Make A Website – Adobe XD UI Design Tutorial

In this Adobe XD UI Design Tutorial, you're going to learn How To Make A Website UI from scratch.In "How To Make A Website - Adobe XD UI Design Tutorial" you'll learn to create a Modern Virtual Museum Web UI.

Pure CSS Product Card | CSS Background Patterns | Glenn Catteeuw – Visual Designer | Adobe XD for Visual Studio Code | Web Design Trends in 2021 | How To Make A Website – Adobe XD UI Design Tutorial | 3000 Hands 3D Shape Pack

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My Wife - avatar
(My Wife)
Website Design Inspiration... Make sure you’re signed up for next weeks.

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My Dog - avatar
(My Dog)
A great source for being updated with current trends in web design. Give me a cookie!

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The Box - avatar
Purple Octopus
(The Boss)
Thanks for share the most helpful and useful resources for web designers.

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