
Web Design Trends

Web Design Newsletter #70

Blob | WebGL Apple Cards | Trends in web design in 2021 | Create Awesome Web Designs - Layout Design Tutorial | Serious Business – Creative of the week | Scrollytelling with React | Minimal CSS Loader Collection | Centering in CSS

Web Design Trends 70

Blob Opera

Create your own opera inspired song with Blob Opera – no music skills required ! A machine learning experiment by David Li in collaboration with Google Arts & Culture

Web Design Trends 70

WebGL Apple Cards

A CodePen by Smpnjn

Web Design Trends 70

Trends in web design in 2021

An online discussion on UI trends in 2021.

Web Design Trends 70

Create Awesome Web Designs | Layout Design Tutorial

Today we will learn how to create any type of web design we want to using the basic principles of composition and layout.

Web Design Trends 70

Serious Business – Creative of the week

Strategic Design & Branding Agency “We’ll make millennials fall in love with your brand”

Web Design Trends 70

Scrollytelling with React

Scrollytelling is a visual and interactive form of storytelling. It consists of a logical sequence of visualizations. They accompany a narrative and are driven by the user’s scrolling.

Web Design Trends 70

Minimal CSS Loader Collection

CSS loader examples for your next project.

Web Design Trends 70

Centering in CSS

Follow 5 centering techniques as they go through a series of tests to see which one is the most resilient to change.

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My Wife - avatar
(My Wife)
Website Design Inspiration... Make sure you’re signed up for next weeks.

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My Dog - avatar
(My Dog)
A great source for being updated with current trends in web design. Give me a cookie!

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The Box - avatar
Purple Octopus
(The Boss)
Thanks for share the most helpful and useful resources for web designers.

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