
Web Design Trends

Web Design Newsletter #80

Mail Studio – Application for designing responsive emails | Handwriting generator | Typography Trends in 2021 | How To Make A Responsive E-Commerce Website Design | 10 Webflow Tools Every Web Designer Should Have | Modern Gradient Trends in UI Design | Free Sample UI Chunks E01: Buttons

Web Design Trends 80

Mail Studio – Application for designing responsive emails

Build beautiful emails visually, with drag and drop. Design for desktop and mobile from one easy to use UI, and let Mail Studio handle all the code and cross-device compatibility.

Web Design Trends 80

Handwriting generator

Using machine learning to automatically generate handwriting from images of handwriting.

Typography Trends in 2021

What Should You Know?

How To Make A Responsive E-Commerce Website Design

How to make a complete responsive ecommerce website design using html css and vanilla javascript from scratch. Create a complete responsive nike shoes ecommerce website design using html css and javascript

10 Webflow Tools Every Web Designer Should Have

Webflow is the best tool for designing a website. But what are some of the other tools that every web designer should have in their tech stack? This video highlights 10 free Webflow tools, and why they’re important to your design process.

Modern Gradient Trends in UI Design

“Should I use gradients, and if so — how!?” We’ll examine some modern approaches to gradients, and also examine what you DON’T want to do with gradients.

Free Sample UI Chunks E01: Buttons

Buttons are used to interact with the application (e.g., to submit forms) or navigate between pages.

Atomic workflow built in Sass

An easy to use utility-first CSS framework designed to help you gain the full power of functional CSS without compromising on Sass.

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(My Wife)
Website Design Inspiration... Make sure you’re signed up for next weeks.

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My Dog - avatar
(My Dog)
A great source for being updated with current trends in web design. Give me a cookie!

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The Box - avatar
Purple Octopus
(The Boss)
Thanks for share the most helpful and useful resources for web designers.

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